Home Politics Biden’s Support Crumbles: Donors Put $90 Million on Hold Amid Growing Concerns

Biden’s Support Crumbles: Donors Put $90 Million on Hold Amid Growing Concerns

Biden’s Support Crumbles: Donors Put  Million on Hold Amid Growing Concerns


A growing number of concerns surrounding President Joe Biden’s fitness for office has reached a tipping point, with major implications for Democratic Party prospects. According to The New York Times, a group of prominent Democrats announced that they have put on hold almost $90 million in pledged donations to future-forward, a super PAC dedicated to supporting Biden and his allies.

Sources revealed that the frozen donations include at least one eight-figure commitment, signifying a significant blow to Democrats. This development comes on the heels of Future Forward’s announcement of a $250 million advertising campaign set to begin shortly after the Democratic National Convention.

Troublingly, Biden’s woes have not only affected his own support but also the confidence of fellow Democrat lawmakers. Following his recent press conference, three additional lawmakers publicly demanded that Biden step down as commander-in-chief. One Democrat familiar with the situation described Biden’s press conference as the “worst possible outcome.”

Despite the mounting pressure and lingering doubts about Biden’s capacity to lead, his team remains resolute in his standing as the party’s presidential candidate. Recent performances, including his botched debate appearance, have only sparked further concern and calls for him to rethink his decision to continue running for office.

With the mid-term elections looming, the uncertainty surrounding Biden’s eligibility has created a perfect storm, threatening to damage the prospects of down-ticket Democrats. As the situation continues to evolve and more donors become increasingly cautious, it is possible that Biden might eventually be forced to re-evaluate his decision to remain in the race.

Given the current trajectory, it is likely that poll numbers will continue to shift in Trump’s favor, further amplifying Biden’s woes. If this sentiment persists, Biden may ultimately be required to confront the reality of his diminished viability as a candidate, potentially leading to an eventual withdrawal from the race. As the situation unfolds, the spotlight on the “Democrats in disarray” fire continues to intensify.

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