Home Politics Former Obama Advisor Cautions on Public Discontent in Biden’s Economy

Former Obama Advisor Cautions on Public Discontent in Biden’s Economy



‘Fox & Friends’ co-hosts discuss former President Trump’s lead over Biden in 5 out of 6 swing states.


  1. When do people wake up where is the money going has anybody done an audit this is crazy there is no way that money got spent where it was supposed to The money is being stolen by all his friends

  2. The problem is the media keeps saying Biden won those swing states, he did not. They were stolen with fake ballots and fraudulent voter rolls. How did Pennsylvania have more votes than voters? There's a couple hundred thousand ballots missing in Ga. I could go in and on. Wake up people

  3. People were miserable under the 8-years of Barack Obama & Joe Biden and now, are miserable under Barack Obama & Joe Biden & Kamal Harris.

    Nothing has changed they’re killing this Country, as well its Citizens.

  4. The Biden economy represents THE BEST possible POST COVID economy. The world is NEVER going back to the 2019 economy. Donald Trump was just a coincidental presence to the 2019 economy. He could no more bring back those days if elected, than he could be faithful to his current wife.

  5. I am a younger voter and by my age my parents had already moved into their second owned home. I dont have a bad job by any means and I still have yet to be able to afford my first house.
    The American dream is completely out of reach for me and my wife and we havent broke 30 yet.

  6. All I remember is the mess we were in when trump was president. And anything that was good didn't seem to have anything to do with anything trump did. Inflation is high right now but what has trump said that would change that? President Biden has done more for the American people then trump ever could. Defendant trump has no plan talking crap about Biden isn't going to help anyone.

  7. Biden won NOTHING !!! He and his corrupt democrats STOLE the Election !!! The AMERICAN PEOPLE and the ENTIRE WORLD knows this as a FACT !!! WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL NOT LET IT HAPPEN THIS TIME .

  8. You know, I voted for Trump in 16' but not after. His policies will not support our Democracy. I think what we have to do is make sure Donald Trump does not win the Presidency and put up with the baby killers for four more years, just to keep our Democracy. Then, after those four years, when the Republicans get a good, moral man as a candidate, we vote him in and the Democrats out! God bless America.

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