Home Politics Mark Levin: ‘Biden Supported White Supremacists and Racists for Political Gain’

Mark Levin: ‘Biden Supported White Supremacists and Racists for Political Gain’



During a recent segment on Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” host Mark Levin discussed President Joe Biden’s history of supporting white supremacists and racists within the Democratic Party. Levin highlighted Biden’s past actions, such as backing segregationists and compromising on issues of racial integration, despite now criticizing Republicans as racists on the campaign trail.

Levin also referenced various instances where Biden showed his support for segregationists, leading efforts against integrated busing, and aligning himself with individuals known for their racist views. He pointed out Biden’s flip-flopping on key issues, such as filibustering the nomination of the first black woman to the Supreme Court, despite calling the filibuster a relic of Jim Crow.

Additionally, Levin discussed Biden’s controversial foreign policy stances and his contentious relationship with Israel. He highlighted Biden’s history of threatening Israeli prime ministers with withholding aid, which has caused strain in diplomatic relations. Levin also criticized Biden for his involvement in delivering an anti-Israel vote in the UN Security Council and his support for the ICC’s efforts against the Israeli prime minister.

Levin concluded by calling Biden a “thug” and questioning his credibility as a leader, highlighting his history of character assassination and divisive tactics. Through various examples and references, Levin portrayed Biden as a hypocritical and dangerous figure, especially in his dealings with Israel and his approach to foreign policy.

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