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Biden is sending a signal: ‘If you mess with my son, you mess with me’



New York Post columnist Miranda Devine joins ‘Fox & Friends’ to discuss Hunter Biden’s upcoming trial in Delaware and the apparent support from President Biden.


  1. OH, so it's okay to persecute Trump relentlessly, but when Hunter Biden commits crimes, that's another story! HOW FASCIST! If Biden thinks he can bully SOTUS as well, he's got another thing coming!!

  2. Sooo…the Trump trial was in a court in a city that hates him and the Hunter Biden trial just happens to be where his father lives and wields tremendous power. Hmm…nothing suspicious about that at all 🤔🤦‍♂️

  3. Hahaha 🤣😂🤣😂 is this the best you can do 🦊 fox……. it's over MaGa…… you all are losing so much……i almost feel sorry you guys… ALMOST 😭😭😭😁😭😁😭😁😁😁

  4. The Russian laptop? What a joke the justice system has become. This administration has weaponized the department of justice to be a political tool and they are clearly above the law. They’re going to slap Hunters wrist and Daddy is going to pardon him.

  5. Hunters a lawyer… if he had concerns over definition of words on form/meaning… he should have consulted with another attorney… he had means, resources and knowledge understanding of law… make better argument Abby Lowell

  6. Biden and the rest of the dems need to remember the old saying " sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander". Their time is coming and the disrespect they have shown Pres Trump will be shown to them.

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