Home Politics Biden-Harris admin's policies have been 'failures' for farmers and ranchers: Sen....

Biden-Harris admin's policies have been 'failures' for farmers and ranchers: Sen. John Thune

Biden-Harris admin's policies have been 'failures' for farmers and ranchers:  Sen. John Thune


Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., reveals why farmers and ranchers support former President Trump on ‘The Story.’


  1. The green new deal from this administration has increased the cost to grow food by increasing the cost of fuel and the cost of fertilizer for transporting the food from field to the market and the illegal aliens have destroyed the the crops by leaving their body fluid s and body waste in fields because they can't be picked if someone goes into a field and relieves themselves in it just ask the farmers in the border states they know all too well

  2. 248+ years ago, our ancestors defended our beloved country from the 'Red Coats.' Now we must again defend our beloved country from the men wearing Made in China 'Red Hats.'

    Vote Blue to Protect our Democracy, Freedoms, and our Constitution. Defeat Made in China – Red Hats

  3. “We see what can be, unburdened by what has been.” This phrase is a modified version or interpretation of the verbiage from Communist leader Mao Tse-tung (Zedong), a motto of his regime to justify killing or starving millions in an attempt to bring about a socialist utopia. You can fact check this people!

  4. I would like to hear KH questioned on foreign policy full stop! What are her plans for the Russia/Ukraine war – Putin & that evil little gremlin Zelensky? And Israel – Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria? And Iran? Will she strive for peace in the middle east like DJT did?
    All the people that gush about her vibes make me sick! How is she going to fair on the world stage with other world leaders?? As Joe would say … C'mon man!!

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