Home Politics Biden defends why he chose Kamala as his VP

Biden defends why he chose Kamala as his VP

Biden defends why he chose Kamala as his VP


President Biden is pressed on whether Vice President Kamala Harris would be able to handle a presidential role during his press conference.


  1. That's right, Joe. She was a good prosecutor. She could continue the law fair campaign just perfectly. We don't need anybody who understands foreign affairs. Who has studied our enemies and knows how to negotiate. The only qualification for a democrat candidate is the ability to wage law.

  2. Kamala Harris and her job to handle the border !
    That is what I remember her for as her first job as VP !
    10 million undocumented immigrants later what has she accomplished ?
    She should be impeached !

  3. She claims to care about womens bodies, but will allow a biological man to claim he can obtain one. Yes clearly a grand representative for womens rights everywhere……

  4. Multiple times, in a January rant, Trump confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. He praised Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban as “the leader of Turkey.” He bragged about beating Barack Obama in 2016 in “an election that everyone said couldn’t be won” and bragged about leading Obama “by a lot” in 2024. He claimed that Joe Biden would get us “into World War II.” And he blamed Jeb Bush, not his brother George W., for starting the War in Iraq.

    This election should be about important policy differences and the future of democracy. But if it’s really going to be decided, instead, by gaffes — and which candidate makes fewer of them — Joe Biden will win in a landslide.

  5. What a waste. Just goes show how Biden needs to go. All he is interested in is what happens around the world. Spoke very little about what really matters and that’s the American people. Bring on Trump who will put America first!

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