Home Politics Biden Campaign Seizes on Supreme Court Ruling for Fundraising

Biden Campaign Seizes on Supreme Court Ruling for Fundraising



President Joe Biden launched a scathing attack on the Supreme Court from the White House Monday night, calling the court’s decision on presidential immunity “dangerous” and “a blow to democracy.” However, in an attempt to capitalize on the controversy, the Biden campaign has launched a fundraising drive, urging supporters to donate $25 to “save the America we know.”

In an email, the campaign writes, “The Supreme Court’s decision gives the President freedom to ignore the law and behave like a ‘king above the law.’ Justice Sotomayor was right to dissent, warning that this could lead to an erosion of democracy and the rule of law. We must resist this dangerous trend and stand up for the values we hold dear. Donate now to join the fight and ensure that the American people continue to have a say in their government.”

However, the court’s decision makes it clear that presidents are not above the law and are not immune for all of their actions. The ruling, which was written by Chief Justice John Roberts, states that the President enjoys presumptive immunity from prosecution for official acts, but not for unofficial acts.

The decision emphasizes the importance of the system of separated powers, which the Founding Fathers designed to ensure that the President, Congress, and the courts remain independent and balanced. The opinion notes that the President has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within their constitutional authority, and presumptive immunity for official acts. However, this immunity does not apply to unofficial acts.

Despite the court’s clear language, many Democrats and their friends in the media are melting down over the decision — with some musing about assassinations and vowing an impeachment of the Supreme Court.

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