Home Politics Biden campaign intensifies ground efforts, aiming to narrow Trump’s lead in rural...

Biden campaign intensifies ground efforts, aiming to narrow Trump’s lead in rural areas

Biden campaign intensifies ground efforts, aiming to narrow Trump’s lead in rural areas


President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is strategically opening numerous field offices in Republican-leaning counties across critical swing states, using its strong fundraising efforts to do so. The campaign plans to have 200 offices and 500 staff members in place by the end of the month, with already over 150 offices opened and 400 staff hired in seven battleground states.

Key states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, referred to as the “blue wall,” are crucial for Biden to secure a second term. To achieve this, the campaign is focusing on cutting into Republican margins in rural counties where Trump previously won, while keeping rural Biden supporters engaged. For instance, in Wisconsin, Biden has opened 46 offices in 42 counties, including 23 where Trump had double-digit wins in 2020.

In contrast to the last election cycle, where Biden prioritized COVID-19 safety measures, the campaign is now emphasizing in-person connections with voters through brick-and-mortar offices and grassroots organizing. Biden himself stressed the importance of the ground game during a recent volunteer event in Nevada.

With a substantial amount of funds in their war chest, Biden’s campaign is well-equipped to execute their strategy, while Trump’s team has also invested in on-the-ground staffing across battleground states. Both campaigns are gearing up for a competitive election, with each aiming to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of their respective candidates.

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