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Biden campaign co-chairman says Sanders’ comparison of Gaza and Vietnam is an ‘over-exaggeration’



Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont caused controversy last week when he suggested that the war in Gaza could be President Joe Biden’s “Vietnam.” However, Biden campaign co-chairman Mitch Landrieu dismissed this comparison as an exaggeration.

In an interview with CNN, Sanders expressed concerns about Biden’s handling of the conflict in Gaza, drawing parallels to President Lyndon Johnson’s handling of the Vietnam War. Landrieu responded to Sanders’s comments on CNN’s State of the Union, stating that comparing the two situations is an over-exaggeration.

While acknowledging the seriousness of the situation in Gaza, Landrieu emphasized that it is not comparable to the Vietnam War. He highlighted Biden’s efforts to call for a ceasefire, the release of hostages held by Hamas, and the provision of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Despite the controversy surrounding Biden’s response to the Gaza conflict, Landrieu pointed out that young people still have compelling reasons to support Biden, including his stance on climate change, protection of freedoms, and addressing student debt.

Biden’s handling of the Gaza conflict has resulted in mixed reactions, with his approval rating for his response standing at 39% according to a recent Harvard-Harris poll. Anti-Israel protests on college campuses have called for divestment from Israel, drawing comparisons to student activism during the Vietnam War era.

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