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Biden Administration Calls on International Community to Condemn Iran and Combat Houthi Terrorism

Biden Administration Calls on International Community to Condemn Iran and Combat Houthi Terrorism


In a meeting at the United Nations Security Council, Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood called for action against Iran to address the alarming terrorist activities of Yemen’s Houthi movement in the Red Sea. Wood emphasized the need for collective measures to target the Houthis and potentially Iran, citing evidence of unprecedented weapons support from Iran to the Houthis.

The Security Council gathered to discuss the long-standing civil war in Yemen and its impact on the region. The Houthis, also known as Ansarallah, are a Shiite jihadist group with close ties to Iran, who have controlled Sana’a since 2014. The group’s attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, including those with no direct links to Israel, have disrupted international trade and worsened the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

Wood reiterated the urgent need for collective action against Iran’s role in supporting the Houthis and supplying them with advanced weapons in violation of UN sanctions. While the Biden administration has taken some steps to address Houthi terrorism, including designating them as “Specially Designated Global Terrorists,” critics question the effectiveness of these measures.

Operation Prosperity Guardian, a coalition aimed at securing commercial ships in the Red Sea, has faced challenges with participation and coordination. The Pentagon has reported ongoing efforts to ensure freedom of navigation through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, although specific actions related to the operation remain unclear.

Overall, Wood emphasized the need for continued discussions and enhanced inspections to prevent weapons smuggling to the Houthis, while also highlighting the importance of holding Iran accountable for its destabilizing actions in the region.

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