Home Politics Bernie Sanders to seek fourth term in Vermont Senate

Bernie Sanders to seek fourth term in Vermont Senate

Bernie Sanders to seek fourth term in Vermont Senate


Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont has announced his intention to seek a fourth term in the U.S. Senate, confirming his continued presence in the political arena. At 82 years old, Sanders is one of the oldest members of the Senate, sparking speculation about his retirement plans. Despite ruling out a third run for president, he kept observers waiting until just weeks before the filing deadline before revealing his decision to seek reelection.

In a video announcing his candidacy, Sanders emphasized his commitment to key issues such as universal healthcare, climate change, and combating corporate “greed” that have defined his lengthy political career. He also highlighted his seniority in the Senate, pointing to his recent appointment as the chairman of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions and his role in Democratic leadership.

Sanders, known for his progressive stance, expressed his dedication to addressing pressing challenges facing the country and Vermont. He has not previously faced significant opposition in his reelection bids, winning by wide margins in the past. In the upcoming election, he aims to continue pushing the Democratic Party towards more progressive policies.

One of Sanders’ recent calls has been for the Biden administration to cease military support for Israel amid ongoing hostilities in Gaza. Throughout his time in the Senate, he has focused on holding Big Pharma and corporate interests accountable, including compelling major drug company CEOs to testify before Congress.

If reelected, Sanders would be 89 at the end of his fourth Senate term, making him one of the oldest senators in office alongside Chuck Grassley of Iowa. Despite his age, Sanders remains dedicated to advocating for progressive change and challenging the status quo in Washington.

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