Home Politics Ben Sasse condemns universities for focusing on smallest, angriest group during protests

Ben Sasse condemns universities for focusing on smallest, angriest group during protests



In a recent interview on CNN’s State of the Union, University of Florida president Ben Sasse criticized other universities for giving attention to the “smallest, angriest group” of protesters, as anti-Israel demonstrations continue to take place on campuses nationwide.

Sasse, a former Republican senator from Nebraska, emphasized that under his leadership, the University of Florida in Gainesville does not engage in negotiations with those who are the most vocal or disruptive. He stressed the importance of upholding free speech rights while also maintaining order on campus.

He pointed out that many universities tend to cave in to the demands of a small group of protesters instead of focusing on protecting free speech and taking appropriate action. While some schools have made concessions to protesters, such as Columbia University’s resistance to divestment from Israel, the University of Florida has taken a firm stance against protests that violate school policies.

Sasse emphasized that the university upholds the right to free speech and assembly, but also enforces time, place, and manner restrictions to prevent disruptions on campus. He mentioned encountering pro-Palestinian protesters during his morning run but stressed that camping on campus is not permitted under university rules.

Overall, Sasse reiterated the university’s commitment to defending free speech while maintaining order and following campus policies.

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