Home U.S. Beachgoers Bugged by Massive Swarm of Dragonflies in Rhode Island

Beachgoers Bugged by Massive Swarm of Dragonflies in Rhode Island

Beachgoers Bugged by Massive Swarm of Dragonflies in Rhode Island


A massive swarm of dragonflies took over a popular Rhode Island beach on Saturday, sending sunbathers into a frenzy as children shrieked and tried to shoo away the insects. The spectacle unfolded at Misquamicut Beach in Westerly, where a large crowd had gathered to enjoy the day.

Beachgoer Richard Sontag captured the astonishing scene on camera, showing a sea of dragonflies blanketing the beach. The footage is accompanied by the sounds of children’s terrified screams and the hum of the insects.

“It was like a dragonfly invasion,” Sontag described the experience. Another beachgoer, Stephanie Martin, echoed his sentiment, saying, “I was having a nice day at Misquamicut State Beach until we endured a dragonfly apocalypse.”

The common green darner dragonfly, native to Rhode Island, is known to reproduce during the summer months. According to the National Science Foundation, males of this species engage in fierce battles to defend their territory and win the right to mate with females.

During this time, males can be seen performing aerial stunts and racing over ponds to prove their dominance. The swarm that descended upon Misquamicut Beach was likely a manifestation of this breeding behavior, with males competing for mating rights and females seeking suitable partners.

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