Home Politics Attorney Explains Why He Believes NY Trial Now Favors Trump

Attorney Explains Why He Believes NY Trial Now Favors Trump



Tom Dupree, former deputy assistant attorney general, discusses when the Trump trial might wrap and which outcome he predicts.


  1. What a complete waste of time and taxpayer's money. All these indictments brought against Trump by the Dems, and they will have accomplished nothing.
    I hope when these prosecutors terms are up, the people paying their salaries vote them out.

  2. This one is for you dems.
    2016 Trumps going to jail
    2017 Trumps gonna go this time
    2018 we got Trump now
    2019 for sure this time
    2020 okay for sure going to prision
    2021 we got him now
    2022 Trump is going down
    2023 Trump is going to prision
    2024 We got him now look at all the indictments
    Later in 2024…you lose again
    Wash rinse repeat.

  3. I’m Australian. We all know that the NY court is all Democrat biased and very likely the guilty verdict has already been decided well before the start of the trial. It will take a juror with a moral conscience and human decency to be fair and righteous in the case not to convict Trump seeing how ridiculous this case is. We cannot imagine that we have a court case where there’s no specific crime committed.


    They have forgotten evidence that the actual Court papers.

    That Donald Trump filed when he was in a civil lawsuit with Stormy Daniels.

    Back in 2018 and in that civil lawsuit he acknowledged that he paid.

    Michael Cohen $130.000 for reimbursement for the hush money scheme.

    The lawyer for Donald Trump Todd Blanch said,

    In his opening statement this was not about a reimbursement.

    But it was about legal fees.

    So what is it legal fees or reimbursement fees.

    If the jury believes it’s is legal fees Legal Services then Trump wins.

    If jury believes it’s reimbursement fees then the state should win.

    Here you have Trump’s own words he’s not going to testify he’s not taking the stand.

    But they going to hear from him anyways through his own lawsuit where he acknowledged.

    That the $130.000 was to reimburse Michael Cohen.

    So what else could those $35.000 month payments be, additional legal fees.

    There’s no proof of that he wasn’t even under a retainer agreement.

    It’s for a the reimbursement for the hush money payments.

    And here you have Donald Trump directly tied to that.

  5. Everything should be dropped because it’s beyond obvious all of this is from the democrats in order to stop Mr Trump from running. Enough is enough already. The democrats should be prosecuted now for election interference!

  6. You guys calling it a "Hush Money" case is polarizing. Stop adopting far left terms and call it what it normally would be called. A Non-Disclosure agreement by Cohen and Daniels.

  7. They aren't done with cross examination yet, Neil. More to come Monday. And with the testimony of Bob Costello in Congress…hmmm.
    I'm going to guess the defense DOES NOT bring Costello as a witness, but may ask LOTS of questions regarding Cohen's statements to him…with Cohen now aware that Costello is out there willing to testify. He may wish to "modify" some of his previous answers. 🤔
    Cohen has already said Costello was "never my attorney", yet there is a waiver of attorney client privilege signed by Cohen. They don't need Costello in court to catch Cohen in MORE lies.

  8. Here's how you sink your own defense.

    Outside the court room, Trump admitted he had an NDA with Stormy. Therefore he was aware of the hush money payments.

    His lawyers stated in court that Trump wasn't aware of the payments.

  9. The scales can't be flipped. The jury pool was tainted from the start and the judge is not afraid of showing his bias to guarantee a conviction. If this was on the up and up, the judge would grant a directed verdict.

  10. Neil is such a democrat in rino clothing – clearly biased against trump (innocent until proven guilty?) – the fact that fox keeps him says everything you need to know about fox.

  11. Cavuto continues to be: irritatingly smug and boring, his voice makes women cry, and he is ridiculously anti Trump – what a loser.
    This attorney gives a great analysis of the issues – but for some weird reason (legal etiquette?) he refuses to call out the corrupt Judge Merchan – so he gets a 7

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