Home Entertainment GLAAD Media Awards: Jennifer Lawrence refers to Mike Pence as gay

GLAAD Media Awards: Jennifer Lawrence refers to Mike Pence as gay



Actress Jennifer Lawrence made controversial comments about former Vice President Mike Pence during GLAAD’s annual Media Awards event in New York City. The event started with some disruption when a guest had to be escorted out for causing a disturbance. TV personality Ross Matthews acknowledged the importance of fighting for everyone’s rights after the incident.

Later in the show, Lawrence, who won an Oscar for her role in “Silver Linings Playbook,” took aim at Pence, making questionable remarks about his sexuality. She also shared a personal story about falling in love with a gay man.

Lawrence has a history of making unsupported political statements during her career. In the past, she falsely claimed that guns were the number one cause of death for children in the U.S. and suggested that she was breaking new ground as a female action movie star.

Additionally, Lawrence has been vocal about her far-left political views, even going so far as to insinuate that her own parents may support “Nazis” for voting for Republicans.

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