Home Politics Are you surprised she quit?: Gutfeld

Are you surprised she quit?: Gutfeld

Are you surprised she quit?: Gutfeld


Fox News host Greg Gutfeld and the panel react to the Columbia University president resigning after months of mounting pressure over anti-Israel protests on ‘Gutfeld!’


  1. Since when did republicans just stop believing in the freedom of whole races???
    As if Palestinians deserve
    to live in concentration camps
    Just because ✡️'s are in charge of them???😮😮😮

  2. Look at him! Just look at him!
    His rolling eyes, twitching his mouth and the pouting!
    Yup is this man a serious professional? A man who would deal with the truth, the facts, the hard data and statistics
    No no, in my view, he has nothing deep or decent. He’s all about mischief mongering, nothing more!

  3. So Daffy Duck (DT)and girlfriend Melissa Duck(EM): The UAW has filed federal labor charges against disgraced billionaires Donald Trump and Elon Musk for their illegal attempts to threaten and intimidate workers who stand up for themselves by engaging in protected concerted activity, such as strikes.

  4. Kamala Harris might be the first female vice president, but with the way she’s dodging questions and zapping through debates like a Galaga pro, she’s definitely earning her stripes as the original Clyon Democrat! Sometimes, though, it feels like Harris is channeling her inner robot—ask her a tough question, and she’s more likely to flash that smile and respond with, “Does not compute!” Just wait until you try to figure out her next move—and her wardrobe. She’s got more surprises than a boss level in an arcade game!

  5. I lost a lot of respect for Dave after the Crowder issue. Dave was way in over his head and knows nothing about politics. He's funny AF but doesn't know politics. Even for gutfeld, he's in over his head.

  6. FACT: That g.o.p. has given U.S. RECESSION every time since EISENHOWER! Well, Regan DOUBLED the DEFICIT to stop one that Nixon Started! tRUMP increased the DEFICIT 33% and STILL had one!

  7. "I think I’m gonna take some of them back to my cottage and have a lot of fun. Like the Cheerios. I haven’t seen Cheerios in a long time. I’m gonna take them back with me."
    – a weird old man at Bedminster

  8. Sam Mousa امريكا تطارد غزة في كل شبر كل يوم يتحركوا تخيل تسافر أنت بلا طعام ولا ملابس ولا وسيلة مواصلات تسافر على أرجلك لمدة عام كل يوم تسافر لا تستريح تخيل أنك تموت بقنبلة فظيعة من امريكا نزلت عليك لأنهم يشكون أن أحد أفراد المقاومة بجوارك تخيل أن ابنك يقتل لهذا السبب تخيل معاناتك بلا تكيف ولا مروحة ولا استحمام والعالم يشاهدك حتى تنتهي امريكا اللعينة من المفاوضات وإذا قتلوا زوجتك تشاهد مسخ امريكا يقول لقد أخبرنا اسرائيل أن تتوخى الحظر ولا تقتل المدنيين تخيل أنهم يقتلون كل يوم ابرياء ولا يشعرون بهم المهم أن تنتهي إسرائيل من غرضها تخيل أن هناك شياطين بهذه الفظاعة

  9. R e a l l y? Humpty tRUMPy said he would build a wall! Humpty tRUMPy didn't mean that at all! Humpty tRUMPy ment this, that, and the………….other thing! And a few BUTTs here and over there, too! Whatever keeps Humpty tRUMPy from TAKING the fall!

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