Home Politics Another Unnecessary Three-Week Temper Tantrum from MTG is the Last Thing Americans...

Another Unnecessary Three-Week Temper Tantrum from MTG is the Last Thing Americans Need: Democratic Representative



Rep. Jake Auchincloss, D-Mass., discusses the President’s remarks amid a surge in antisemitism and protest in colleges, the motion to vacate the House speaker and the indictment of Rep. Henry Cuellar.


  1. No, Mr Auchincloss! The "last thing" we need is more weak actions by a Speaker who gives into the Democrats while the border funding STILL hasn't been addressed. It should have been the first thing before Ukraine and Israel aid. And Johnson gave in to Schumer and Biden. Get him out! And get the border bill passed that actually "secures" the border and includes building the wall. Not that joke of a bill you Democrats wanted to pass.

  2. Mike Johnson is UPPITY BLACK Hakeem Jeffries's By$ch. Jeffries gets Johnson to put Democrat Bills on Floor & to vote YES. Then Jeffriess tells By$ch to go on Fox to TRASH BILL for COVER. WOW

  3. We don’t have rule of law, we have rule by democrats. Their identity politics is all about persecution of some by others based on some perverted and arbitrary scale of victimhood. Using this chaos as a cover, democrats politicians are robbing us blind through influence peddling and insider trading.

  4. NOT the last thing we need. It is the thing we need most. FIRST, we have to get rid of the RINOs who betray the American people at every turn. Otherwise, Republican Congressmen and Senators might as well simply go home and never return to Washington. The result would be identical.

  5. Let's Face It, why wouldn't the DEMS want Johnson ??? He gave them everything they wanted !!! He also broke his promise to all his fellow Republicans and The American People !!! He gav us his word that there would be no funding for other countries to protect their borders, unless our own American borders would be protected !!! That's a very big betryal !!!

  6. I love the grandstanding from MTG and her little band of attention craving useless people. They seem to keep forgetting that democrats hold the Senate and the White House and that they barely even have a majority in the house. Mike Johnson is as conservative as it gets, but he still has to do the best he can with what he’s got. MTG just shouts buzzwords without explaining how she would realistically achieve anything.

  7. All these people on the laim stream media are paid by the same people that you cannot talk about in America which is against the first amendment any time you can't criticize any one or any country they have a lot to hide so I want everyone who reads this comment to research the Noah hide laws and the Zionist agenda

  8. Eagle Maniac. My way or high way. How those politicians can get anything done? But the truth is Ukrainian is losing very badly to Russia. Money is wasted away. They need working on boarders now.

  9. Iran said war was on in USA well you see war in schools. Open the eyes. WAR don't have to be killing, don't have to be bombs. WAR is what you see happening in front of your eyes, wake up people.

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