Home Politics America’s Former Self: A Shell Without Shared Values

America’s Former Self: A Shell Without Shared Values

America’s Former Self: A Shell Without Shared Values


President Biden caused controversy during a fundraiser for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by labeling Japan, China, and Russia as “xenophobic.” He praised the United States for its economic growth due to its welcoming of immigrants, contrasting it with the economic struggles of other countries. However, the belief that diversity is a strength of nations is challenged by the reality that shared culture, history, and identity are vital to a nation’s prosperity.

Political scientist Samuel Huntington’s book “Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity” questions how America would have evolved if settled by different groups in its early history. It suggests that a nation’s identity is formed by common ancestry, language, and traditions, which modern America is losing due to mass migration and a focus on multiculturalism.

The rise of multiculturalism has led to a disconnect between the American nation and its people, with a push for open borders and a focus on diversity over shared values. This has had negative consequences, with Western nations facing challenges to their cultural identities and values. Students and activists promote multiculturalism by emphasizing diversity and inclusivity while ignoring their own culture and history.

Plato and Theodore Roosevelt both warned about the dangers of multiculturalism and emphasized the importance of shared values and assimilation within a nation. However, the current trend towards diversity and global migration threatens the traditional identity of Western nations, leading to internal strife and a rise in nationalist movements such as “America First.”

The push for multiculturalism and open borders by the ruling elite is seen as a form of atonement for past wrongs, while disregarding the concerns of citizens who value their national identity. The erosion of traditional values and the emphasis on diversity over unity has brought America to the brink of cultural oblivion.

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