Home Politics Alan Dershowitz: This Case Is Riddled with Corruption

Alan Dershowitz: This Case Is Riddled with Corruption



Legal panelists Gregg Jarrett and Alan Dershowitz discuss Stormy Daniels’ testimony and the judge’s refusal to grant a mistrial to former President Trump on ‘Hannity.’


  1. She says she doesn't like Trump and wants him "Held accountable".
    For what? Din't she get a lot of money from Trump?
    This woman is trash and it boggles the mind that Trump would have anything to do with her when he had Melania at home.

  2. If Turley is such a "guardian" of the rule of law ( Dershowitz and all of the other talking heads ) why aren't they volunteering their time to ensure justice prevails ? I know why .. they are afraid because they will get "cancelled" .. none of them have a spine ….

  3. Donald Trump is a Christian who loves his wife 😂😂😂 he only cheated on her because he thought she wouldn’t find out. Plus if he paid her off that’s his business, it’s not like he paid off any other woman, well maybe a few. This is why his lawyers fought so hard against her testifying about what happened between them.

  4. I wonder if the American people are sophisticated enough to see the crime that is this trial. If not the path to this happening to the common man on a regular basis will be short indeed does anyone study history anymore?

  5. The entire thing is nothing but a scam by Biden and the dems to smear Trump and detain him but Trump will be elected anyway and the way the dem nuts on tv are saying about Trump are that of low iq idiots trying to scare people which is an insult to the public who can see thru the rhetoric. The state of NY is criminal as is our president.

  6. I always knew you Republicans never actually cared about the rule of law. You just use it against people you disagree with and then complain when the same applies to your cult leader.

  7. Fox will go down in history of supporting a dictator! And all their within will be complicit!…Fox and Murdoch are on the clock……They continue to spread lies, to hide trumps crimes.

  8. You are very right it’s all very corrupt. It’s a shame and a big set up, and all the jury has been picked by the Judge , but they have to be those that Hate trump, and they can’t be themselves, they have to follow what the judge says. And all the gag orders , are a part of this corruption. This needs to be investigated and stopped immediately.

  9. The US judicial and court system is unable to put trump into Jail? He is above the Law! The Supreme court is a bad joke, it has NO credibility, Congress has none, sold out to donors on both sides. Old Joe, is Too Old and Fox News is a US Dept on information for idiots!.. Alan Dickhead is full of it!

  10. The US/Western Society has always looked down upon other countries for prosecuting political candidates.

    We have imported the citizens from those countries while at the same time adopting their lack of care for democracy.

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