Home Politics AIPAC’s $100 Million Plan to Unseat Anti-Israel Democrats: Squad Member Cori Bush...

AIPAC’s $100 Million Plan to Unseat Anti-Israel Democrats: Squad Member Cori Bush in Crosshairs

AIPAC’s 0 Million Plan to Unseat Anti-Israel Democrats: Squad Member Cori Bush in Crosshairs


Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) is facing a tough primary challenge, and her anti-Israel stance may be the deciding factor in her potential ouster. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has already spent $8.4 million to support her opponent, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell, through its PAC, United Democracy Project.

AIPAC’s efforts to unseat Bush are part of a larger $100 million plan to target anti-Israel lawmakers. The organization has a history of successfully influencing elections, including the recent defeat of Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) in New York’s 16th Congressional District, where AIPAC spent $15 million.

Bush has been a vocal critic of Israel, calling the country’s retaliation against Hamas an “ethnic cleansing campaign.” She has also accused AIPAC of prioritizing pro-Israel advocates, including former President Donald Trump, over other interests.

In response to AIPAC’s efforts to unseat her, Bush has vowed to fight back. “This is only the beginning,” she said. “If they can unseat me, then they’re going to continue to come after more Democrats.”

Bush’s anti-Israel stance has also led her to boycott visits from Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom she has called a “war criminal.” She has joined Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

AIPAC has endorsed Bell, citing his support for the U.S.-Israel relationship. “AIPAC’s grassroots members are proud to support strong pro-Israel progressive Democrats like Wesley Bell,” the organization said in a statement. “Cori Bush has been one of the most hostile critics of Israel since she came to Congress in 2021 and has actively worked to undermine mainstream Democratic support for the U.S.-Israel relationship.”

The Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) PAC, which supports pro-Israel Democrats, has also been funding ads advocating for Bell’s candidacy.

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