Home Politics Eric Adams suggests offering lifeguard positions to migrants because of their strong...

Eric Adams suggests offering lifeguard positions to migrants because of their strong swimming abilities

Eric Adams suggests offering lifeguard positions to migrants because of their strong swimming abilities


New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) has proposed a new idea to address the issue of newly arrived migrants not being able to work. He suggested that migrants could be trained as lifeguards for the city’s public pools and beaches, highlighting their swimming abilities. Adams emphasized the need to expedite work permits for migrants in high-demand jobs like lifeguarding.

Adams has previously advocated for using the southern border as a checkpoint for migrants to enter the United States with work permits. During a trip to Latin America last October, he emphasized the importance of allowing migrants the right to work in the U.S. as a humane and American value.

Overall, Adams believes that migrants should have the opportunity to work in the U.S. and contribute to society, regardless of the potential impact on American job prospects and wages. His proposal aims to address the bureaucratic obstacles that prevent eligible individuals from working in roles like lifeguarding.

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