Preserving the Integrity of Federal Elections: Why the SAVE Act is Necessary


The White House’s recent rejection of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act) has sparked controversy over the issue of noncitizens voting in federal elections. While it is true that it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote, the current laws need to be strengthened and enforced to prevent illegal voting.

The National Voter Registration Act, passed in 1993, requires states to provide voter registration materials to anyone who enters a Department of Motor Vehicles office or requests a mail-in voter registration form. However, the law does not require proof of citizenship, only a box to be checked affirming that the applicant is a U.S. citizen. This loophole allows noncitizens to register to vote by providing a state-issued ID number, such as a driver’s license.

Furthermore, millions of noncitizens have Social Security numbers, which they can use to register to vote. Migrants who illegally crossed the border and were paroled into the United States by President Joe Biden can obtain Social Security numbers after filling out the right forms and getting authorization to work. Similarly, noncitizens who entered legally and then illegally overstayed their visas also have Social Security numbers.

The White House claims that it is “extraordinarily rare” for noncitizens to vote, but studies have shown that even rare instances of illegal voting can swing elections. In fact, a 2014 study found that noncitizen votes were enough to give Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to pass health care reform and other Obama administration policies.

Preventing noncitizens from voting is essential to national sovereignty. If we cannot prevent noncitizens from determining our electoral outcomes, we are not a real country. The SAVE Act addresses this crisis by requiring a would-be voter to provide proof of citizenship before a state may register them to vote. The legislation also provides free access to existing federal databases to confirm someone’s citizenship and clean up existing voter registration rolls of noncitizens.

Considering the Biden administration’s lax enforcement of immigration laws, it is reasonable to question whether the current laws are being enforced. The SAVE Act is a necessary step to protect the integrity of federal elections and ensure that only U.S. citizens have a say in the outcome.

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