Coalition of 16 Attorneys General Urge Supreme Court to Rule on Parental Rights and School Transgender Policies


A coalition of 16 attorneys general, led by Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, is petitioning the Supreme Court to take up a case involving parental rights and schools’ secret gender transitions. The case revolves around a 2021 complaint filed by Wisconsin parents against a school district’s policy allowing students to change their gender identity without parental notification.

The parents’ complaint was initially dismissed by a district court and the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, citing lack of standing. However, the attorneys general are urging the Supreme Court to intervene, arguing that the policy conflicts with constitutionally protected parental rights. In their amicus brief, they contend that “parents, not administrators, have the responsibility and right to raise their children.”

Miyares has witnessed numerous parental rights battles in his own state, including those involving school lockdowns, curriculum disputes, and the implementation of gender ideology. He emphasized the importance of parental involvement in their children’s lives, stating that “government officials cannot override parents’ fundamental rights simply because they believe they know better.”

Recently, Virginia lawmakers attempted to pass the Sage’s Law, which would have provided parental consent for a child’s gender transition. However, the bill was killed by Democrats in the General Assembly. The attorneys general hope that the Supreme Court will bring clarity to this issue, preventing further harm to parents and children.

Heather Hunter
Heather Hunter
Contributor. Heather is an award-winning radio, television and film producer and previously wrote for The Daily Caller and LifeZette.

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