Dana Perino: Biden and Harris Express Significant Concerns


‘America’s Newsroom’ co-anchor Dana Perino discusses President Biden’s popularity problem as media spotlights Democrats’ wavering support.

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  1. He can't hide in the basement. And he doesn't have benefit of the China virus. Now he has the virus that has infected our justice department to help him.
    I guess they never heard the proverb about the "blind leading the blind". Well I have and they all fall in a ditch.

  2. Biden will soon be in France with other world leaders to remember D Day and those who sacrificed everything. Unlike Trump, there's no worry about what he'll do or say to embarrass our country or disrespect veterans.

  3. Trump is building up muscle by such things as going to the Bronx.

    Biden is trying to staunch the loss of "core" constituencies.
    And the various special interest groups in the Democratic party are coming into direct opposition

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