Home Politics 15 Side-Splitting Memes from the First Presidential Debate

15 Side-Splitting Memes from the First Presidential Debate



The first presidential debate has come and gone, leaving in its wake a trail of memes that will be remembered for a long time to come. The meme community, known for their quick wit and sharp tongues, was in full force, poking fun at the candidates’ gaffes and most memorable moments.

As the debate unfolded, Twitter and other social media platforms were flooded with humorous images and captions that poked fun at the candidates’ missteps.

Here are 15 of the best memes that captured the essence of the debate, with a special nod to Biden’s, shall we say, “creative” moments.

We’ll add an honorable mention, because hard-core “memers” may not feel that it qualifies. However, it would seem Biden managed to meme himself.

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