White House recognizes the need for negotiations with terrorists to secure the release of hostages


Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich presses White House National Security Communications John Kirby on Hamas agreeing to a cease-fire proposal with the U.S. and Israel.

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  1. John Kirby: “You know, it’s interesting…I stand up here and answer questions; “Koreen” does; Matt Miller at the State Department does; the Pentagon colleagues; the President does; Prime Minister Netanyahu does…and the IDF military spokesman does…you know who hasn’t answered a single question about his intentions and what games he might be playing…or where he intends to take this: Mr. Sinwar…the head of Hamas.” Finally….finally…after 7 months… someone is holding Hamas and it’s military leadership accountable. All the media finds ways to hold the Israeli’s and their leadership accountable. No one has yet held Hamas leadership as well as their military leadership accountable for their actions. Finally this is starting to happen…something that should have happened back on October 8, 2023!!

  2. "We have to negotiate with terrorists" said no American ever. This sounds like a quote from Omar or Tlaib or one of the other anti Americans running amok in Congress.

  3. The United States government is [OUT RIGHT LYING] along with Qatar & the CIA as [THEY] out out a [FALSE STATEMENT] that there was an [AGREED DEAL] with Hamas but Israel advises ["THEY KNEW NOTHING OF ANY DEAL"] or what it may have included? Now the US has a [MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM] as they got Israel [VERY UPSET] over the US sticking a dagger in their backs & to add insults to it, the [AGREED HARMS SHIPMENTS WERE CANCELLED] to Israel. Everywhere we [LOOK], we see [CORRUPTION & DEMONIC EVILS] coming from the Biden government & all of this is [BACKFIRING IN THEIR FACES] & stands to be the [CAUSE OF EVEN MORE BLOODSHEDDING] in the Israel/Hamas conflict. Biden doesn't [CARE] about the [BLOODSHED] & all he cares about is doing everything possible [GET ELECTED AGAIN] & even though, this will be the cause of Israel/HAMAS revisiting their war after November. This Demoncrat government has a [DEMON RUNNING THEIR SHOW] & they [DESERVE {NOT ONE VOTE COME NOVEMBER}, ARE YOU HEARING THIS VOTERS IN THE US? God Bless Israel

  4. The Biden administration are Hamas and Islamic terrorists supporters. The same people who are financially supporting Biden are also financially supporting the Hamas protesters on college and university campuses across America, so they have Biden on a very tight leash.

  5. There’s no hostages to negotiate for anymore the videos that they sent out are from the beginning of the war people need to get informed about the actions that happen in war

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