Where Trump and Harris Stand on the Top Issues Facing America


The highly anticipated debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is set to take place on Tuesday evening, with a wide range of hot-button issues expected to be discussed. According to recent Google Search trends, the top seven topics of interest to Americans include Social Security, crime, healthcare, unemployment, economy, immigration, and abortion.

Here’s a breakdown of where Trump and Harris stand on each of these issues:

Social Security

Both candidates have pledged not to cut benefits, but neither has provided a clear plan for saving the program from bankruptcy. Trump has suggested that a stronger economy and more taxes paid towards Social Security would be his main strategy, while Harris has proposed expanding the Social Security payroll tax to incomes over $250,000.


Trump has taken a tough-on-crime approach, blaming illegal immigration and defund the police efforts for violent crime. He’s also pushed for bipartisan criminal justice reform. Harris, on the other hand, has promoted her experience as a prosecutor and emphasized the need for racial justice.


Trump has shifted away from repealing the Affordable Care Act, instead promising to bring down healthcare costs. Harris has supported ACA expansions and previously backed Sen. Bernie Sanders’s Medicare for All Act.


Despite a slight uptick in unemployment, the rate remains historically low. Trump has claimed that new jobs are being taken by migrants, while Harris has focused on supporting workers and promoting economic growth.


Inflation has dipped, but affordability remains a major concern. Trump has promised tax cuts and tariffs, which experts predict would send inflation back up. Harris has focused on bringing down costs in specific areas, such as housing and healthcare.


Trump has vowed a sweeping crackdown on illegal immigration, including mass deportation and restoring “Remain in Mexico.” Harris has been criticized for her role in studying the “root causes” of migration and has since supported some border wall construction.


Harris supports restoring Roe v. Wade, while Trump proudly takes credit for the ruling. Trump has distanced himself from strict abortion bans, but supports states’ rights on the issue and favors exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother.

Ramsey Touchberry
Ramsey Touchberry
Ramsey Touchberry is a Capitol Hill Reporter focusing on energy and environment. Previously, Ramsey covered Congress for Newsweek and was a multimedia reporter at a local NPR and PBS affiliate in Florida. A native of the Sunshine State, Ramsey graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in broadcast and digital journalism.

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