Washington Post Urges People to Take Cold Showers in Effort to Save the Planet


The extremist left-wing publication, the Washington Post, is advocating for individuals to take cold showers in order to save the environment.

This demand has been met with skepticism and criticism, as it is seen as hypocritical coming from a publication that likely does not practice what they preach.

The article mentions the potential energy and water savings of cold showers, but also highlights the importance of hot water for cleanliness and hygiene.

The author emphasizes that while they may be open to certain environmental practices for cost-saving reasons, they do not subscribe to the beliefs of climate change.

Ultimately, the Washington Post‘s call for cold showers is seen as insincere and a way to push their agenda onto others without making any personal sacrifices.

John Nolte
John Nolte
Senior Writer.

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