Warren: Supreme Court is ‘Actively Undermining Our Democracy’


Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) expressed her deep concerns about the state of the Supreme Court on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, stating that the institution is “actively undermining our democracy.”

Warren emphasized the need for reforms, citing the Court’s recent decisions as evidence of its overreach. “We’ve got a Supreme Court that has basically jumped the guardrails and is out there giving power to the president, saying that the president can commit any act that the president wants,” she said. “This is a Court that is saying that Congress cannot authorize agencies to act. It’s a Court that is actively undermining our democracy.”

Warren praised President Joe Biden for his decision to step aside and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, calling it an “act of patriotism” that highlights the need for change. “He’s saying that we not only need a president who is here for the nation and who will heal us and bring us together, but we also need to change our Supreme Court,” Warren said.

The Massachusetts Democrat suggested that reforms could include term limits for justices or adding more seats to the Court, which could be achieved without a constitutional amendment. “We’ve got all the Democrats who are ready for meaningful ethics reform to bind the Supreme Court,” she said.

Warren emphasized that the Supreme Court will be a major issue in the upcoming election, and that voters should consider the Court’s actions when casting their ballots. “Joe Biden is going to keep drawing attention to this issue over the next six months, reminding the American people that the Supreme Court is on the ballot,” she said. “And that’s a good reason to vote for Kamala Harris, to vote for Democrats in both the Senate and the House.”

Pam Key
Pam Key
Pam's contributions focus on political news and commentary, featuring articles on various topics such as politicians, elections, and current events.

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