Turley warns of professional agitators and anarchists infiltrating college protests


Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley joins ‘Fox & Friends’ to discuss the anti-Israel protests and encampments on college campuses and schools’ responses.

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  1. Trump supporters..
    Jan 6 – innocent and jailed.
    MAGA – Peaceful/Patriotic – they call us dangerous and ignorant!

    Bidens supporters…
    BLM – no consequences!
    Antifa – no consequences!
    Illegal immigrants – no consequences
    Palestine Congress squad traitors – nothing!
    Palestine college protestors – still there causing chaos!

    Are you seeing the pattern yet?

  2. Fox is SO desperate to avoid reporting real news about Trump's trial.
    20 million college students in the U.S. and a couple thousand are protesting while the rest are in class as usual and Fox pretends it's a big deal. What frightened little sissies you people are.

  3. Wait for 2035 when the youth seriously out number their elders.. .talk about lord of the flys…the year 2035 all across europe and the 'peons will be coming to america after wiping out their dead weight,er i mean elderly

  4. The hooligans of Antifa.
    The hooligans of BLM.
    The hooligans of Climate change.
    The hooligans of stop oil.
    Professional troublemakers and agitators, January 06 Feds .
    With Netanyahu in charge.
    The officials on notice to crackdown.

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