Tulsi criticizes Kamala’s record as ‘horrible’


Fox News contributor Tulsi Gabbard talks to ‘One Nation’ about the vice presidency and the southern border.

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  1. Tulsi will never be vp because she's a female and Trump clearly hates women and would never allow one with any power.
    He will also not pick a person of color- That is laughable and every single person alive, knows why.
    And finally… look how well that position turned out for the his last vp.

    He's not naming anyone because he isn't sharing power- dictators don't share.

  2. Дорогие друзья,Я желаю вам крепкого здоровья, счастья , благополучия, любви взаимной, удачи и успехов, олимпийского терпения, Всех благ земных, Мирского Изобилия, вдохновения,творческого роста и мудрости,чтобы каждый день был наполнен радостью и новыми возможностями.Пусть в вашей жизни будет место для душевного спокойствия, гармонии и приключений,а так же для добрых и верных друзей.Пусть каждый из нас развивается, достигает поставленных целей и видит прекрасное в мелочах.С пожеланиями радости, понимания и терпимости к окружающим.Желаю исполнения желаний и заветной мечты!Мир дому вашему – мирного неба!Пусть этот день будет особенным!Только с наилучшими пожеланиями!Украина Одесса

  3. Would have been easier to say "she has no record" Going to be interesting to see what the Dems do at the convention. There is no way Biden can serve another term. There is no way they are going to replace him with Harris or leave her on the ticket with anyone. As for Kilmede's comment on abortion/border, abortion will be the #1 issue come Nov. Border is what it is, it is an open border policy. If Dems retain WH they may as well disband the border patrol and all entry points.

  4. Immediately following Trump's shock victory in 2016, Davidson picked up his phone and sent a 3 a.m. text to Howard. "What have we done?" he wrote as it became clear that Trump was going to win enough electoral votes to become president. "Oh my god," Howard responded.

  5. Unfortunately Kamala IS doing her job. They want an open border. They want to socially destabilize the US. While we are distracted by social unrest they the Left can continue on their course of retaining and gaining control and power.

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