Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump’s Rehetoric Could Spark a Civil War


Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) expressed on MSNBC’s “The Saturday Show” this week that she is concerned former President Donald Trump’s rhetoric on “revenge” is so polarizing that it could potentially ignite a civil war.

Host Jonathan Capehart asked, “Congresswoman Waters, your name has come up several times. What are your thoughts?”

Waters responded, “I am worried that his rhetoric is extremely divisive and he’s talking about retribution and revenge, which I find to be dangerous. He’s even mentioned civil war, implying potential bloodshed. I intend to communicate with the criminal justice system to ask about the risk of domestic terrorists: Are they planning a civil war against us? Should we be worried? What are the implications of his divisive language? This situation is dangerous.”

Waters continued, “It’s not solely that he’s a criminal, but he also shows a blatant disregard for the Constitution and democracy. We need to understand the actions of domestic terrorists who attempted to take over the government on January 6; how far will this go? Will they resort to further attacks?”

Pam Key
Pam Key
Pam's contributions focus on political news and commentary, featuring articles on various topics such as politicians, elections, and current events.

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