Trump supporters denounce ‘sham’ trial, confident of his innocence


House Republicans voice support for former President Trump as the New York criminal trial continues.

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  1. This is inflation with all the federal tax dollars paying for this show to duck tape and tie Trumps hands so he can't campaign. Biden said Trumps free to debate on Wednesday's, goes to show, Biden is the cause of all of this so the cost and the added to inflation goes on Biden's shoulder alone.

  2. People treat others the way they want to be treated. Remember this President Trump when you become President. All the people who spit on the law wants no rights and to be treated like a third class citizen. These traitor are saying come and get me. Trump take their word at face value.

  3. The republicons are embarrassing themselves everytime daily.. And guilty as sin and whining and crying and lie's like don's and cons everytime. 🤡🚗🤡🚗🤡🚗🤡🚗🤡🎪👈😂

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