Trump on whether he's worried about Kamala Harris: 'Give me a break'


Former President Trump calls out the ‘dishonest’ press when it comes to reporting on his favorability.

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  1. Live fact checking to clean up debate. Mute debater and disclose facts when there are lies. Fact is speaking now.
    Weird, Trump not in jail yet! Trump should be debating from the jail.
    Minnesota Dark Blue Tsunami Wave Bursting Out
    Blue Tsunami Wave
    Obama endorse Kamala. Checkmate
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    Biden support his replacement candidate.
    Supreme Court ruling on immunity. USA already just lost its democracy. Now, Judge Cannon?

  2. ha ha, he is funny….reminding the press who didn't report something. he also loves the lies everything would've been so wonderful and will be but some of his claims I'm good with, close that dang border, that's enough for me, the rest of what he says, yeah right, they all say this, politics.

  3. Kamala tedious bore with no substance just a one eyed lefty definitely not Presidential material Americans will be laughed at by the leaders of the rest of the world if they vote this woman in so seriously think about that

  4. and we are back to the crowd sizes. Yes Trump takes interviews however its always the same BS – his crowd sizes, his indictments and his grudges against the FBI, DoJ, various judges … the list is long and inexhaustible.

  5. Well, he ain’t wrong in regards to crowd sizes. Remember the numbers when the votes “get counted” and see how big the discrepancy is between crowd sizes and number of votes tallied

  6. Kamala Harris is making
    Crying clown out of Trump
    😭🤡 😭🤡

    James Darren song

    Oh, goodbye, cruel world
    I'm off to join the circus
    I'm gonna be a broken-hearted clown
    Paint my face with a good-for-nothin' smile
    'Cause a mean, fickle woman
    Turned my whole world upside-down

    That mean, fickle woman made a cryin' clown out of me

    What a stupid 🤡! !

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