Trump official says Dems are 'freaking out': The Republican Party is 'united'


Trump 2024 communications director Jason Miller discusses the former president’s decision to share the story of his attempted assassination at the RNC and argues it will be ‘almost impossible’ for Democrats to force Biden out of the race.

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  1. hey bill hammer , his speeches are always 1 1/2 hours long & are you the only dufus that didnt get the emotion & several moods & stages of that speech, learn your job & quick taking democrats advice, if fox posted names on thier videos i would never watch you mr ego

  2. More than just us needing to know his story, we also needed to hear from him for our own grief and getting through the sorrow of watching what happened to him. We care about him and wanted to hear his own words for comfort.

  3. biden admin: "none of the republicans are talking about issues voters care about"

    "so anyway, check out our agenda pushing race/gender/culture war stuff while inflation skyrockets and you cant afford to live"

  4. Yes because some Democrats are not prepared to put up a clearly unsuitable candidate for President whilst any Republican with such scruples has long since been hounded out of their own party.

  5. Democrats are searching of ways to win and for Joe to drop out. They're scared!!! GOD IS CONTROL, most of them don't know God. If they did, they wouldn't be so twisted

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