Trump Challenges Biden to Debate: I’m Prepared and Eager – Pick the Location


Former President Trump challenges President Biden to debate in his remarks after court wraps. #foxnews

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  1. Even in decline, Biden is much sharper than Trump ever was. Biden destroyed Trump in the 2020 debate and Trump has become far more senile and enfeebled since. FOX and others have tried to paint the President as old and ineffective for four years but his results helped America recover from the Trump failures.

  2. Like Biden always says – if you’re walking in the desert with a boat full of ants. Come on man sand was cold not foil and salt peanut, with pepper stairs in the kitchen snow away from clouds. I like ice cream 🍦

  3. For the last three years trump should have been getting ready for his trials. His supporters and lackeys knew they were coming. The ex-president has been sued over 4000 times in court. I’m sure he’s won some and lost many more. He is used to paying fines but these cases conclusion’s may put him behind bars. Don’t do crime if you can’t do time.

  4. Why is trump being such a p^ssy? Offer to debate AT A BIDEN RALLY!!! Requiring the President to deal with trumps stooges won't happen. The ONLY way to get a debate, is to stop being a p^ssy in make-up, and agree to debate the President at HIS rally!! Why does trump act so frightened, all the time?

  5. At the courthouse or a MAGA rally? Trump doesn’t want a debate, he wants a shambolic repeat of his last Biden face-to face where he ignored basic debating rules and just loudly bleated nonsense. Anyway, he’s an adjudicated rapist, $500m fraudster and a soon to be felon who falls asleep and farts in his own trial. Why should Biden do it at all.? Its demeaning to the presidency

  6. The Down turn of the American economy did not start with Biden it began under trump, march 18th 2020 cost of living was up almost 20% and trump was president, again it began under trump in ,If u cannot remember will remind you, the distruction of the economy begin in late 2019 when trump was president, after the virus came it was 2 years of lock down because of rhe virus trum tell American to drink bleach to get rid of the virus, that,s enough to cause a recession Biden did not bring corona virus to America many people beleve that China did it, because trump was threatening China, NOTE there were giant caravan of illigals hoarding to the sourhern Border under trump Biden was not the one inviting illegal to the ti the southern border during the trump administration the bad thing that Biden did he did very little to stop the illugals but trump did that,s the only thing good trump did ,but trump did not fulfull any campaign promises, no wall at the sourhern border, no arab ban, no distruction of China ,he did not get rud if ibdma care trump is a total failure.

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