Trump Calls for ‘Restoration of American Freedom’ at NRA Meeting


Former President Donald Trump addressed NRA members for the ninth time on Saturday, emphasizing the need for “a great restoration of American freedom.”

Looking ahead to the upcoming November presidential election, Trump stated, “Let there be no doubt, the survival of our Second Amendment is very much on the ballot. It’s under siege.”

He continued, “We need the Second Amendment for safety. Forget about going hunting and all the things you do — we need it for safety. Because you know the bad guys are not giving up their guns. The bad ones are not giving up their guns.”

Trump emphasized that the Second Amendment must not only survive but also thrive. He insisted it has to “be meaningful” to ensure that innocent people can defend their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

He warned, “If [Biden] gets four more years they are coming for your guns, 100 percent certain.”

Describing Biden’s political career as one marked by efforts to confiscate firearms, Trump praised Republicans for opposing such measures, saying, “We’re the party of common sense.”

Trump discussed how federal agencies are being weaponized under the Biden administration, noting that Federal Firearms License holders (FFLs) are having their licenses revoked over minor paperwork errors, even when the errors are not critical.

He concluded by stating that Biden and his fellow Democrats “want to take away your rights,” adding, “I know that better than anybody — they want to take away my rights — better than anybody, worse than Al Capone. [He] got indicted twice; I got indicted four times.” This statement was met with applause and laughter from NRA members.

AWR Hawkins
AWR Hawkins
AWR Hawkins is one of the preeminent 2nd amendment journalists having racked up a series of high profile awards in the space. The Second Amendment Foundation named him Journalist of the Year 2015; Gun Rights Defender of the Year 2016; and Journalist of the Year 2017. He was named 2019 Journalist of the Year at the 34th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, and Gun Rights Defender of the Year at its 2020 conference.

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