Trump Assassination: A Turning Point in American Politics


As a self-proclaimed centrist, I never thought I’d be shouting from the rooftops in support of Donald Trump. In 2016, I didn’t vote for him, and while I reluctantly backed him in 2020, I considered the option of supporting other Republican candidates in the 2024 primary. However, following the shocking events at Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania, I’ve had a change of heart.

The past year has seen a relentless campaign by the Left to discredit and disqualify Trump, employing every dirty trick in the book to prevent his return to the White House. The latest escalation: an attempt on his life during a rally. The image of Trump standing tall, bloodied but unbroken, has seared itself into my consciousness.

This election has become about more than just Trump or the Democratic candidate. It’s about the fundamental decency of our political system. Can we, as a nation, stomach the relentless vitriol, lies, and fearmongering that has defined the campaign so far? Can we forgive – or even acknowledge – the calculated efforts to delegitimize Trump and the thousands of Americans who support him?

For those who’ve had enough, the answer is clear: Trump is the only option. The status quo cannot continue. It’s time for accountability, for those responsible for stoking the fires of division to be held to task. If not, the consequences for our country will be dire.

Come November, we’ll see what the future holds, but one thing is certain: nothing will ever be the same again. The gloves are off, and the next few months will be a wild ride. For those who’ve had enough, electing Trump seems like a necessary first step towards reclaiming our country’s political soul.

Kaylee McGhee White
Kaylee McGhee White
Editor. Kaylee focuses on religion, politics, and culture. She is a visiting fellow at the Independent Women's Forum. Kaylee graduated from Hillsdale College with degrees in politics and journalism.

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