Trump asks rally audience who should run against him


Former President Trump asks his Michigan rally audience which Democrat they want him to run against.

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  1. God's favor rests upon Trump! That is fact. He is not a perfect man, but he is needed desperately in the presidential position of this nation. We are in a spiritual battle of Good vs evil. God is Good , and He is lifting Trump up to become president. Never has a runner for this office been under so much attack as Trump, culminating in an assignation attempt. But he has prevailed by the Grace of God!!! It's time for America to wake up and realize what is God's Truth. God wants Trump in office to save the USA, and he will get in. God's Goodness and Faithfulness and above all, His Love for this nation are greater than any evil, any darkness, all the lies of the media…. God's Love will prevail!!! In Scriptures, it clearly states that God's Love has overcome all darkness. We need to be a nation under God again. And by the Mercy and Grace of Our Lord God Almighty, we will be.

  2. There are some STUPID people in these comments… The entire point, is that they'd rather run against Joe because it's basically a gimme for Trump. The misinterpretation of what is happening here is a great indicator of how dumb both sides really are.

  3. Trump is a strong man. Like his policies or not you cant say he is not an incredibly strong and confident man. He will be our 47th president of the United States of America and he will do a great job. God bless USA!

  4. If Trump is elected, welcome to your Authoritarian, fascist life from hell! Trump wrote it all down for you…his manifesto is Project 2025, folks! Just because he renamed it Agenda 47 over the weekend doesn’t mean it changed. Go ahead, read it and prepare for the wildest ride you will ever have in your lives.

  5. عیسی مسیح فرزند خدای زنده تنها راه نجات و تنها راه بسوی آرامش و سلامتی توبه کنید و عیسی مسیح را بعنوان تنها نجات دهنده خود بپذیرید و زندگی جاوید پیدا کنید ✝️ 🙏 ✝️ 🙏 ✝️ 🙏 ✝️ 🙏 ✝️ 🙏

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