This is the ‘biggest cover-up’ in modern American history: Concha


Fox News contributor Joe Concha reacts to President Biden’s recent interview during an appearance on ‘Fox & Friends Weekend.’

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  1. Great Job Lisa and Joe, please keep up the FACT TRUTH FOR US AMERICAN PEOPLE😇😁🤗 💪, wholeheartedly A COVER UP 100% ‼‼‼ Vote President Donald J. TRUMP on November 5th, 2024. Let's Make America Safe and Great Country Once Again ❤USA🤍USA💙USA‼‼‼

  2. Everything about Joe Biden is a scam. His whole life is a scam on the American people. He is a criminal and his entire camp needs to be prosecuted for treason. The entire Democratic Party needs to be held accountable for not only allowing him and his corrupt family to sell our country, they need to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting, obstruction and conspiracy. For using their position in the senate to hide the Biden families crimes and knowingly letting them defraud the American people.

  3. The hope of the people of God is never in political power. Let me say that again. Our greatest power is not political and the minute you believe that your greatest power is political, your greatest power is political influence, you will compromise the gospel. It always happens. You see, our power is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ because the gospel of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ has the power to do what politics could never, ever do; and that is rescue and transform the heart of a person. America Bless God Again!!!% Deus Lo Vult 🔥🙏⚔🛡✝️🇬🇪🏴⛪️

  4. Ronald Reagan was a beloved President.I didnt care wether he was a democrat or a republican.His actions and speeches was that of a great leader ( father of a country ).I ginuinely missed Ronald.🇺🇸😊👍

  5. Socialism hard at work destroying America from within. Right is wrong and wrong is right. America died and gone to Hell. Satan's Final Plan for his Last Days are Unfolding Before Our Eyes. Are You Ready???% Deus Lo Vult 🔥🙏⚔️🛡✝️🇬🇪🏴⛪️

  6. They are not holding Biden accountable, they are afraid of accountability if Trump, knowing Biden's defeat is inevitable. They want Biden out, so someone can win, and spare them jail time.

  7. Joe Biden was talking to reporters to break the law for him and his Crime Family is that what they are Called proudly to be Crook and Theif of the American people Tax Money to support Billions of illegal Dangerous Foreigned immigrants of Any kind to just live off the American people Tax Money illegally and Against the law how Dumb can you Be 4:32.

  8. If a guy sitting next to you on the subway announced that he would rather die by electrocution than by shark or suddenly slipped into a pirate accent and shouted, “Never fight uphill, me boys!” you’d find another seat as soon as possible. Yet somehow, we have become accustomed to hearing such bizarre lunacy from a guy who could be reelected to the presidency.

  9. This is not American. This is a state run media. No such a thing as investigative reporters or journalists at all. All journalists should take a long hard look at themselves and ask is this what I wanted to me? Complacency and a mouthpiece for a corrupt administration.

  10. Yeah right, I believe that MAGA cult leader “aced” a “very hard” impairment test, and that his “very surprised” doctors found this “unbelievable.” I believe it was “amazing” he remembered five words, such as “person, woman, man, camera, TV” — in correct order.

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