The Media’s Abortion Agenda: How Corporate Press Enables Democratic Extremism


The Democratic Party’s unwavering stance on abortion has become a defining feature of their recent campaigns, and it’s no coincidence. The corporate media’s willingness to amplify abortion activism has provided Democrats with a platform to make unrestricted abortion a central tenet of their 2024 election strategy.

Top Democratic leaders have consistently rejected any limitations on abortion, with some, like Vice President Kamala Harris, tacitly endorsing bills and ballot measures that aim to codify abortion rights through birth. Democrats have publicly advocated for unrestricted abortion in all 50 states, vowing to stop at nothing, including abolishing the filibuster, to achieve their goal.

Despite Americans’ widespread support for restricting abortion, corporate media outlets have deliberately avoided holding pro-abortion politicians accountable for their radical views. Instead, they have given them a free pass, failing to press them on the specifics of their abortion stance.

The media’s role in enabling Democrats’ abortion agenda extends beyond mere inaction. They have published polls with loaded language and framing that distort Americans’ true views on abortion and in vitro fertilization. By using euphemistic terms like “pro-choice” to describe abortion advocates and negatively framing pro-life supporters as “anti-abortion,” media outlets like ABC, MSNBC, The Atlantic, The Hill, The Washington Post, and The New York Times have created a skewed narrative that misrepresents public opinion.

During the Supreme Court’s deliberations on Roe v. Wade, media outlets leaked the draft opinion in an attempt to influence the court’s decision. When that failed, they joined forces with Democrats to undermine the court’s authority by targeting Republican-nominated justices with personal attacks.

Despite only 37% of U.S. adults supporting second-trimester abortion, Democrats and the corporate press portray even modest federal laws limiting abortion to 15 weeks as extreme. They also demonize state-level pro-life policies and blame lifesaving laws for abortion-related deaths and infant mortality.

When late-term abortions are restricted, media outlets like The New York Times lament the decision and advocate for continued taxpayer-funded abortion services. By meddling in elections and claiming that advocating for women’s and babies’ rights is a losing issue, the corporate media has distorted the narrative and interfered with voters’ ability to make informed decisions.

The media’s portrayal of the issue belies the fact that Americans are more pro-life than they are given credit for. The corporate media’s complicity in Democrats’ abortion agenda has enabled the party’s extremism to gain traction, and their biased reporting has obscured the truth about public opinion on abortion.

Jordan Boyd
Jordan Boyd
Staff writer. Jordan's work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. She graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism.

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