The Donald Trump trial has spiraled out of control, says Sean Hannity


Fox News host Sean Hannity shuts down the ‘kangaroo court’ following Stormy Daniels’ testimony on ‘Hannity.’

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  1. πŸ™‹Ask these people why, if we believe the big lie, why we now need an army of migrants to accomplish the same result? Especially since Chump WAS the president in twen tea 20. Then they are the big proponent of the ELECTORAL COLLEGE. And they sent those migrants to solid blue states who were already going to vote for Democrats. So they didn't gain electors from their own alleged plot.

  2. It's so funny, when you are calling out Trump's Lies or silly Statements, the Culties immediately start insulting you, that tells me everything I need to know, but it's not a Cult geeezzz πŸ€‘πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  3. We the Good People of America and the World are "Cursing Audibly" at the Hideously-Evil and Corrupt Liberal Democrat Political Hacks, Hypocrites, Liars, Thugs, Goons and Reprobates who are behind this Horribly-Disgusting Lawfare Corruption against President Trump!!!

    This Heavily-Conflicted, Anti-Trump, Biden-donating "judge" has VIOLATED President Trump's Right to Free Speech with his Gag Order. This is the stuff of Politically-Corrupt Third-World Banana Republics and of the former Soviet Union. This is an OUTRAGE that is ANGERING Millions upon Millions upon Millions of TRUE Patriotic American Citizens across the Country and throughout the World!!!

    We the Good People of America and the World Stand in Complete Solidarity with President Trump through these VERY Dark, Dismal, Disturbing and Troubling Times of EXTREME Liberal Political Corruption and Horrible Democrat Third-World/Soviet-styled Political Tyranny!!!

    We WILL DEFEND our Democracy in America!!! We the Good People of this Nation SHALL PREVAIL!!!

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