Taylor Swift’s Favorability Ratings Take a Tumble Following Kamala Endorsement


A recent NBC News poll has found that Taylor Swift’s popularity has taken a hit among registered voters following her endorsement of Kamala Harris earlier this month. The singer’s overall favorability rating has dropped from 40 percent in 2023 to 34 percent this year, with 27 percent of voters now holding negative views of her, up from 16 percent last year.

Among independents, Swift’s popularity has also taken a tumble, with 26 percent now holding a positive view of her, down from 34 percent in 2023. The decline in Swift’s popularity is a blow to Democrats who had hoped her endorsement would boost Harris’s campaign.

Recent polls have shown that Swift’s endorsement has had little impact on voters. An ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 81 percent of voters don’t care about Swift’s political views, while a YouGov poll revealed that the majority of voters aren’t swayed by her endorsement.

The NBC News poll also found that Republican voters have the most unfavorable views of Swift, with 47 percent holding negative opinions of her, up from 26 percent last year. Just 12 percent of Republicans report positive attitudes toward the singer, down from 28 percent in 2023.

In contrast, 58 percent of Democrats view Swift in a positive light, a slight increase from 53 percent in 2023. Swift’s endorsement of Harris was seen as a strategic move, coming as it did after the presidential debate on September 10. However, her reserved support for Harris has been overshadowed by the Vice President’s unpopularity among some young progressive voters, who are increasingly turning to alternative candidates like Jill Stein.

David Ng
David Ng
Senior reporter covering media, entertainment, and corporate America. Previously, David was with the Los Angeles Times for 12 years, providing comprehensive coverage of the entertainment industry, including investigative pieces on some of LA’s landmark cultural institutions.

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