Susan Collins Won’t Back Trump: Maine Senator to Write in Nikki Haley for President


Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine has announced that she will not be casting her ballot for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming November election. Instead, Collins has revealed that she plans to write in Nikki Haley, the former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, for president.

During a press conference, Collins explained that she had previously endorsed Haley and believed she would be an excellent candidate for the office. The senator expressed her support for Haley, stating that she is her favorite candidate and would do a great job as president.

This is not the first time Collins has not voted for Trump. She did not cast a ballot for him in 2016 or 2020, opting to write in then-House Speaker Paul Ryan for president in 2016. Collins’ decision to write in Haley’s name rather than supporting Trump reflects her moderate stance within the Republican Party.

Leah Barkoukis
Leah Barkoukis
Online Features Editor.

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