Stephen Miller: The 'emptiness' of Kamala Harris' answers is being 'steadily exposed'


America First Legal founder Stephen Miller sizes up Vice President Kamala Harris’ demeanor on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

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  1. She never won a single state in the primaries also she wants you to believe she was raised a poor little black girl in the ghetto fact of the matter she grew up a very privileged Indian girl in Montreal

  2. Yeah My son went to school and came home a girl🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣DO PEOPLE BELIEVE THIS CRAP🤣🤣🤣YOU HAVE TO BE OF AGE FIRST OF ALL AND YOU ARE REQUIRED TO SPEND YEARS WITH PROFESSIONAL DOCTORS BEFORE YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR GENDER….OMG please tell me people are not that DAMM F*****ING UNEDUCATED, if they are , do not let them vote as they are crazy people

  3. The Angel G a b r i e l was sent to M a r y in the form of a man, with glad tidings of a child who was to be born miraculously without a father.
    “Then We sent to her Our spirit (angel G a b r i e l ), and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects. She said: ‘Surely I seek refuge from you with the Most Beneficent ( G o d ) if you do fear G o d .’ He said: ‘I am only a messenger of your L o r d : to announce to you the gift of a righteous son.’ She said: ‘How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not u n c h a s t e ?’ He said, ‘Thus [it will be]’. Your L o r d says, ‘It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.’” Q u r’ a n 19:17-21
    Some claim that his miraculous birth is evidence of J e s u s ’ divinity. However, J e s u s was not the first to come into existence without a father, as P r o p h e t Adam (peace be upon him) before him had neither a father nor mother. G o d says:
    “The likeness of J e s u s before A l l a h is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’, and he was. This is the truth from your L o r d , so be not of the disputes._Q u r ’ a n_ 3:59-60

  4. Do you people really understand how tariffs work?
    Who on God's green earth believes that all US importers will pay extra 10-20% to the government and businesses will continue as usual?
    They would just stop their business, harming US economy and countless US manufacturers and consumers…

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