Small Business Owner Urges Biden to Resign and Prioritize Fixing America


Ben’s Brewing Co. owner Ben Hnaten and Pluto Organic Cafe owner Maher Youssef discuss the impact of inflation on small businesses as company owners become reliant on credit cards.

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  1. I’m making less and less. It’s nearly impossible to raise prices when people will just go to the corporate version of me instead that can afford to absorb the increased expenses

  2. 1. The insidious intent of Democrat-passed, business-killing taxes & regulations is to drive independent small businesses into the government-dependent lower class.
    2. Democrats want EVERYONE dependent on government “assistance” programs.
    3. Except for the Globalist donor class who put Democrats in office in the first place.

  3. Brandon, when he finally became president after his third bid, would do precisely what he warned against just years prior. Brandon's ill-fated decision to pull out all American troops from Afghanistan.  recommendations from his military advisors, would become one of America's most embarrassing moments in history.  God bless Trump and all MAGA Americans ❤❤❤❤Trump 2024❤❤❤

  4. Brandon is not a solution to our problem, Brandon is the problem. … Brandon does not solve problems; he subsidizes them. Brandon's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it. … The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that Brandon spends too much. Trump 2024! God bless All Americans!

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