Sean Hannity calls this disgraceful


WARNING: Graphic imagery—Fox News host Sean Hannity says Stormy Daniels took the stand to embarrass former President Trump on ‘Hannity.’

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  1. Oh U R so full of $&!+
    I try to listen to u bc all sides are important but nothing but verbal diarrhea spews from your mouth…
    The REAL CRIME is the incompetent & SO UNBIASED judge Cannon who has swept under the rug what may well have been the most important case in US history … if DJT was innocent he had nothing to fear.
    But you applaud that …
    The real fear the American people should have is who will be targeted if DJT wins in November. Certainly it won’t be you bc you’ve goose stepped right in line

  2. Fox keeps bringing up the Judge in NY but stays silent on the Judge in Florida. You idiots deserve the bs they tell you. They want you to believe the Judge in NY should recuse himself because he donated to Biden but don’t care about the Judge in Florida that was appointed by Trump. Can’t have it both ways

  3. It is unconceivable that this kind of trial could happen in our US courts. You would expect this sort of thing in a dictator ruled banana republic. Exposing and eliminating this kind of corruption is not going to be easy but electing Trump is our only hope.

  4. Trump is the one who is disgraceful. Where was Melania? If he is such a wonderful faithful husband why is she not there supporting him? He is disgusting on all levels…

  5. This is a direct and proximate cause of people like Sean Hannity refusing to embrace their racial identity like every other ethnic group does. Until Whites learn how to love one another based on nothing more than their shared ethnicity and stop worrying about being called names like racist or bigot, this is only going to get worse.

  6. Well, Hannity, thanks for the useless news. We all know this trial is a joke, but what if he is found guilty? What can we do about it? I'm sick of losing sleep over the constant bad news. I think I'll read a good book instead.

  7. This has been going on for 8 years and nobody has put a stop to it. Sounds like raising awareness at this point. Disgraceful on behalf of democrats AND republicans. All bark no bite

  8. Fox A KGB Asset.
    yiv, Ukraine — Ukrainian counterintelligence investigators have foiled a Russian plot to assassinate President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other top military and political figures, Ukraine's state security service said Tuesday. Two colonels in the State Guard of Ukraine, which protects top officials, were detained on suspicion of enacting the plan drawn up by Russia's Federal Security Service, or FSB, a statement said.

  9. MAGA loves whataboutism don't y'all?? Rapist donnie wants to free over 1,000 insurrectionists who beat on cops…right? Hey Hannity!!! why don't you talk about THIS case? and these crimes??? loser.

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