San Francisco small business owner criticizes potential retail curfew, predicts ‘no changes’


‘New Princess Market’ owner Willie Masarweh joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to weigh in on San Francisco’s latest proposal for a retail curfew.

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  1. This shop owner looks so tired and disgusted… I can't understand why any business would stay operating in that Hellscape… the people who live in that area don't deserve to have nice shops and restaurants.. Because the residents VOTED for this… They like living in filth… Close up shop and relocate to an area where actual Human Beings live….

  2. If costs more to shut down and open up in 5 hours than it does to stay open, close down routine and our, open up routine and hour, establishments restaurants and bars close at 2am, so go home or sit in car from 1am to 4am?!

  3. California has forgotten who votes them into their position. People are tired and mad at what is happening to them and the government not doing anything about the core problem. Californians need to take back control of their government.

  4. He voted for it. To bad. Leave. Millions of Americans would have loved to have there own business. Got passed over for this crap. Deport Deport Deport Deport Deport Deport.All non citizens must go

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