Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Supports Democrats’ Controversial Late-Term Abortion Agenda


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has gained attention for his appeal to Republican voters disillusioned by establishment politicians, but his support for the Democratic Party’s unrestricted abortion agenda reveals his loyalty to the left.

During a sit-down interview with former ESPN SportsCenter Host Sage Steele, Kennedy endorsed the idea that a woman should have the right to have an abortion at any point during her pregnancy, even up to full term. Despite pushback from Steele, who highlighted cases where women have sought late-term abortions, Kennedy maintained his stance on unlimited abortion access, framing it as a personal decision rather than a moral issue.

Kennedy’s views on abortion, particularly supporting the legality of full-term abortions based on a woman’s desire, are out of step with the majority of Americans who support restrictions on abortion, particularly in the first trimester. Despite acknowledging the tragedy of abortion and the potential trauma it can cause, he emphasized his belief in trusting women to make decisions about ending a pregnancy.

These controversial views align with the Democratic Party’s platform, which champions unrestricted access to abortion throughout all stages of pregnancy. Democrats have consistently supported legislation allowing late-term abortions and have refused to endorse measures protecting babies born alive after attempted abortions.

Kennedy’s stance on abortion, as highlighted in his interview with Sage Steele, reflects a broader divide in American society on this issue. While he asserts his trust in women to make decisions about their bodies, his position raises ethical and moral questions that challenge traditional beliefs about the sanctity of life and the role of government in protecting vulnerable individuals.

Jordan Boyd
Jordan Boyd
Staff writer. Jordan's work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. She graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism.

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