Retired NYPD inspector says it certainly ‘looks’ like a gang takeover


Retired NYPD inspector Paul Mauro discusses how a Colorado council member is saying that Venezuelan gang members are taking over apartment buildings on ‘The Story.’

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  1. You now have 67 days to fear monger, spewing narcissistic lies and conspiracies against our current and future Presidents and Vice Presidents. Your misogynistic comments, sexual tones, and racist rethoric will get your far, keep it going. Only 67 days. 💙💙💙💙

  2. We are a 3rd world country now . This is what the DNC wanted . Order out of chaose. They want us like China and the Middle East . This is what America gets for leaving Christ out of their business dealings and voting ignorantly .
    Hopefully we still have a chance to repent and recover Democracy, hopefully God will hear the cry of his faithful and avenge us of our enemies. , it’s not looking good for America if DNC gets the house . Yet , They obviously are getting more and more desperate and using extreme Measures.
    It will probably get more extreme as November 2024 Approaches.
    Let’s pray America has a revival, a come to Jesus meeting .
    We really want to keto our slogan “ God ✝️Bless America “ 🇺🇸

  3. We believe in equality, justice, and every voice being heard. Together, we can overcome today’s challenges and build a better future for all Americans. In this election, choose progress. Vote Democrat.

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